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Band School

Our Band School course is offered to students with a certain level of ability.

To encourage you to take the plunge into playing within groups we offer you the chance to become a member of one of our in-house bands. With mixed-ability groups, not only do you get tutored by our experienced team, but you also get the chance to learn from each other as you put together and perform selected pieces.

When selected for a band, you will be taken through your own part so you can become familiar with your role in the band. The next stage is to put all the separate parts together in a Band Rehearsal. Within the Band Rehearsal you are encouraged to make decisions, communicate problems and discuss performance issues whilst practicing the selected pieces.

The benefits of performing with other musicians include better musical communication, different instrumental knowledge, an understanding of orchestration, a heightened knowledge of dynamics and balance, the list is endless.

After a period of rehearsal, the finished band gets the chance to perform at one of our many concerts, where they play to an audience of proud parents and peers. We also offer a chance to studio record the band, creating your very own demo to open doors into the music industry.

The line-up of band members can differ from band to band but typically includes bass, rhythm and lead guitar, keyboards, drums and vocals.

Whether or not you currently have instrumental lessons with us but wish to enjoy our Yamaha Band Experience fill in the contact form and we will help you to ‘Join the Band’

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